Discover wearable art with Gem X
Didier & Martine Haspeslagh are owners of Didier Gallery, and have devoted their lives to sourcing, researching and curating the best examples of modern, wearable art [Gem X] (https://www.gemx.club) is a jewelry social club, joining together the most passionate of jewelry enthusiasts from all around the world. Join us to journey into the fascinating world of artist jewelry, in a conversation with Martine, Didier and Lin Jamison, Founder of Gem X.
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Didier and Martine Haspeslagh
[Didier Ltd] (https://www.didierltd.com), founded by Didier and Martine Haspeslagh, occupies a special niche amongst art and design galleries by specializing in jewels created by modern artists, which have been acquired from the secondary art market. With the benefit of hindsight, the gallery is able to present the finest examples of an artist’s work, where the artistry, design and craftsmanship of the jewel is paramount over its intrinsic value. These jewels range from the most intimate expressions of their art, made as private gifts for their loved ones, to pieces created in editions, as a way to disseminate their art to the widest possible public outside the confines of a museum or art gallery. Jewelry by artists is a growing collecting field with museums starting to exhibit jewels alongside other works of art. Didier Ltd has been very active in loaning jewels to these exhibitions as well as promoting the subject at international art and design fairs and through its gallery catalogs.
Lin Jamison
Lin Jamison is a jewelry advisor and designer. She is the Founder of [Gem X] (https://www.gemx.club), a jewelry social club that has been featured in publications like Vogue and The New York Times. Lin graduated from Yale with degrees in Literature and Economics. She has a graduate degree from FIT and is a GIA Graduate Gemologist.