The Whitney Biennial – Quiet as It’s Kept | Whitney Museum of American Art
The Whitney Biennial is the longest-running survey of American art, and has been a hallmark of the Museum since 1932. The subtitle of the 2022 Biennial, Quiet as It’s Kept, is a colloquialism. The phrase is typically said prior to something—often obvious—that should be kept secret. All of the Whitney’s Biennials serve as forums for artists, and the works on view reflect their enigmas, the things that perplex them, and the important questions they are asking. In its eightieth iteration, the Biennial continues to function as an ongoing experiment. Installation view of Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet as It’s Kept (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, April 6-September 5, 2022). From left to right: Charles Ray, Burger, 2021; Charles Ray, Jeff, 2021; Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall, 2021. Photograph by Ron Amstutz
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